- Written by Frizlab. (由 Frizlab 编写。)
- In development for 7 years, with 46 commits and no releases. (开发了 7 年,有 46 次提交,但没有发布版本。)
- This package depends on 5 other packages. (这个包依赖于其他 5 个包。)Including all transitive and test dependencies. (包括所有传递和测试依赖。)
- No license (没有许可证)Why should you not use unlicensed code? (为什么你不应该使用没有许可的代码?)
- 3 stars (3 个星)
- No libraries (没有库)
- 1 executable (1 个可执行文件)
- No plugins (没有插件)
- No macros (没有宏)
- Has data race safety errors (有数据竞争安全错误)What is data race safety and how is it tested? (什么是数据竞争安全,以及如何测试它?)
Compatibility (兼容性)
Full Build Results (完整构建结果)- View on GitHub (在 GitHub 上查看)
- Try in a Playground (在 Playground 中尝试)Launching the SPI Playgrounds app… (正在启动 SPI Playgrounds 应用…)
If nothing happens, you may not have the app installed. Download the Swift Package Index Playgrounds app and try again. (如果没有反应,您可能没有安装该应用。 下载 Swift Package Index Playgrounds 应用 并重试。)
- mainDefault Branch (默认分支)Modified 3 years ago (3 年前修改)