Alex Grebenyuk welcomes support for Future through GitHub Sponsors. If you find this package useful, please consider supporting it. (Alex Grebenyuk 欢迎通过 GitHub Sponsors 支持 Future。 如果您发现此包有用,请考虑支持它。)
Track the adoption of Swift 6 strict concurrency checks for data race safety. How many packages are Ready for Swift 6? (跟踪 Swift 6 严格并发检查在数据竞争安全性方面的采用情况。有多少包已为 Swift 6 做好准备?)
Select a package version (选择一个包版本)
main (主分支)
Streamlined Future<Value, Error> implementation (精简的 Future<Value, Error> 实现)
Alex Grebenyuk welcomes support for Future through GitHub Sponsors. If you find this package useful, please consider supporting it. (Alex Grebenyuk 欢迎通过 GitHub Sponsors 支持 Future。 如果您发现此包有用,请考虑支持它。)
Package ID (包 ID) | FAB99ACF-3E53-4D5A-AEA6-E4DD475FE62E |
Score (评分) | 70 |