Written by Lukas Lipka.In development for 4 years, with 6 commits and 3 releases.This package has no package dependencies.Including all transitive and test dependencies.MIT licensed1 star1 libraryNo executablesNo pluginsNo macrosZero data race safety errorsWhat is data race safety and how is it tested?ios1.5kswift3.7kuikit204CompatibilityFull Build Results0.1.2 and master6. and masteriOSmacOSvisionOSwatchOStvOSLinuxView on GitHubTry in a PlaygroundLaunching the SPI Playgrounds app…If nothing happens, you may not have the app installed. Download the Swift Package Index Playgrounds app and try again.0.1.2Latest ReleaseReleased 4 years agomasterDefault BranchModified 2 years agoDo you maintain this package? Get shields.io compatibility badges and learn how to control our build system. Learn more.READMERelease NotesJavaScript must be enabled for the tab bar to be functional.Last updated on 13 Jul 2022Package IDB42CFCD2-8B2F-41CC-B642-0D8AC992EC82Score55