- Written by Distiller, Sendbird SDK Deployment Bot, and 16 other contributors. (由 Distiller、Sendbird SDK 部署机器人和其他 16 位贡献者编写。)
- This package includes binary-only targets where source code may not be available. There may be more info available in the README or LICENSE. (此包包含仅二进制目标,可能无法获得源代码。有关更多信息,请参阅 README 或 LICENSE。)
- In development for 2 years, with 237 commits and 113 releases. (已开发 2 年,包含 237 个提交 和 113 个发布版本。)
- There are no open issues and 1 open pull request. The last pull request was merged/closed 8 hours ago. (没有未解决的问题,有 1 个待处理的拉取请求。 上一个拉取请求于 8 小时前合并/关闭。)
- This package has no package dependencies. (此包没有包依赖项。)Including all transitive and test dependencies. (包括所有传递和测试依赖项。)
- Unknown licenseWhy is this package's license unknown? (为什么这个包的许可未知?)
- 23 stars (23 个星标)
- 1 library (1 个库)
- No executables (没有可执行文件)
- No plugins (没有插件)
- No macros (没有宏)
- Zero data race safety errors (零数据竞争安全错误)What is data race safety and how is it tested? (什么是数据竞争安全性,如何测试?)
Compatibility (兼容性)
Full Build Results (完整构建结果)- View on GitHub (在 GitHub 上查看)
- Try in a Playground (在 Playground 中尝试)Launching the SPI Playgrounds app… (正在启动 SPI Playgrounds 应用程序…)
If nothing happens, you may not have the app installed. Download the Swift Package Index Playgrounds app and try again. (如果没有反应,您可能没有安装该应用程序。 下载 Swift Package Index Playgrounds 应用程序 然后重试。)
- Package Homepage (包主页)